How our Rube Goldberg works

By:Ethan Rosa,Wei Ye Guan and Jimmy Nieves

             Our project is about how to open a book, We made a clay ball, ramp, pulley. We also used cardboard and we also used string duct tape and three blocks to set up our project. So you have to roll the ball of the ramp then when it rolls down it hits the two blocks which is on a pulley and the string is attached to the two blocks and when the two blocks fall its attached to a book so when it falls it pulls it and the book opens!

1.)  First, we made a ball of clay and wrapped the clay ball with duct tape.

2.) Then we made a ramp with cardboard and we used rulers and put it on the side so when we test the contraption out the ball wont fall of the ramp and the table. 

3.) You roll the ball on the ramp and it hits the block.

4.) The block is also attached to a string so when it falls it pulls the string pulls the wooden board and that's attached to the book so it opens the book

5.) Finally the book opens and you could read the book!
